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Confidentiality Promise

At WorkBuzz, we believe in the power of honest feedback to drive positive change within organizations. We understand the importance of confidentiality and have implemented strict measures to protect your anonymity:

1. No employee or manager can view your answers to the WorkBuzz Pulse or On Demand Poll surveys. Your answers are merged with those of your colleagues. Each of your responses to individual questions is not linked with your other feedback in any way. If you are completing an Onboarding or Exit survey, please review the Confidentiality Promise here.

2. We never display results for any groups or teams with fewer than either one of the below settings:

Five people invited
Five responses

To ensure anonymity, we only display results for groups or teams with a minimum of five invited members or five responses. If a group falls below this threshold, the feedback will be hidden for that specific group. However, the responses are still included in higher-level organizational structures.

We will display a message in the results dashboard that the filtered group does not contain enough responses/people for us to show those answers.



Please note: While five is the minimum number, the threshold can be increased to offer higher levels of confidentiality. If you are unsure of your survey’s confidentiality settings, please contact your HR leader or email support@workbuzz.com

3. In the results dashboard, each response to each question is shown as a percentage score, merged with all other employees within that group, no individual employee's answers will be visible. The score is based on the number of positive responses to the question (such as the "Strongly Agree" plus the "Agree" responses)


4. For demographics, where there may be a small group (or number of small groups) within that demographic who do not meet the confidentiality threshold, WorkBuzz will add an extra level of confidentiality with the ‘Variable Confidentiality’ setting. This value can be changed for each company (please contact your WorkBuzz Power User to find out what this is set to for your company). The variable threshold is used to calculate whether all filters within a demographic can are available or not. If the total sum of any small group(s) is under the variable threshold, then that demographic cannot be used to filter by any of the other groups, whether they have enough employees in or not. This ensures that the confidentiality of smaller groups within a demographic is protected even further.

5. The comments for open questions are displayed as you have written them in the survey but are not linked with your other feedback in the survey. Highly personal comments such as "Since I joined the company on 5 December in the accounts team…" should be avoided as they may inadvertently help identify you.

6. Multi-language survey responses will be automatically translated into English at the point of submitting your survey, and the comment will appear in the results dashboard in English only. This is done to protect the confidentiality of employees who are not native speakers from being identified.

7. Demographic questions (e.g. 'How long have you worked here?') may be asked to help understand how different groups feel across the organization. If there are fewer than five people in any group in a demographic, we will not show the results of that group to protect their confidentiality.

8. If you do not have an email address, you may be given a 'Kiosk' code to enter when completing the survey. This helps ensure nobody completes the survey twice and no feedback is shared in any way which enables your organization to identify you.

9. If you have responded to more than 60% of the questions in any WorkBuzz survey and you close the survey window, either intentionally or accidentally, your feedback will be automatically submitted and included within the results for the company.

10. We stand behind our confidentiality promise, but if there are any threats, abusive or criminal comments, or comments that pertain to a concern about safeguarding or health & safety, we may review the comments on a case-by-case basis and may reveal the identity of the respondent if appropriate.

We do take survey confidentially very seriously. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about how we protect your confidentiality, please contact us directly at: support@workbuzz.com


The following video explains the confidentiality promise:


Need some help?

Please call +44 (0) 3333 446 530, email support@workbuzz.com or submit your details on the form below - a member of our team will then come back to you.