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Improving efficiencies on your employee engagement reporting

Issuing employee engagement surveys is just the first step of your employee experience journey. However, managing the data afterwards and turning it into actionable insights to improve engagement is just as, if not more, important.

But how can you ensure reporting is efficient for yourself and your teams, and collating the data and insights doesn’t become a hinderance?

Firstly, use a dedicated employee engagement platform with a built-in reporting module

Manual surveys are often accompanied by time-consuming and potentially error-prone manual data processing. To reduce these strains, an employee engagement platform with built-in reporting features can be used to attain relevant information at the click of a button. With the WorkBuzz survey platform, our advanced filtering options enable you to drill down and target specific demographics to help solve your engagement problems faster.

Use AI tools to speed-up analysis

AI tools are slowly cementing themselves as a must-have across organisations of all sizes. They can analyse large amounts of data quickly and accurately and can also identify patterns or relationships between different sets of data. At WorkBuzz, we developed our own AI module in 2022 – allowing us to quickly analyse open-text comments and gain valuable insights.

Define clear objectives

Before you go embarking on any reporting processes, it’s essential to first identify and define clear objectives for what you want to achieve. This will help determine which data points you need to collect, the metrics you’ll use to measure employee engagement, and the tools and resources required to measure these engagement levels. It will also help direct the focus of action and resources towards more meaningful tactics.

Use automation tools

Automation tools are invaluable for streamlining the reporting process. It can help with time-consuming tasks such as data collection, analysis, and report generation, where the automation of these activities will also reduce errors. This will ensure employee engagement reports are generated quickly and accurately, leading to a more efficient reporting process overall.

Simplify your data collection process

Data collection can be time-consuming and complex. To simplify the process, employee surveys should be easy to understand and quick to complete. One way of doing this is by using online surveys – these can be completed remotely and are much more convenient for employees. They should also be designed in a way that allows respondents to provide detailed answers without feeling overwhelmed by the process.

Furthermore, anonymising surveys can also help ensure your respondents feel safe providing honest feedback. By removing identifiers such as name and department, employees are more likely to provide accurate information which will benefit the reporting process.

Standardise reporting formats

Standardising your reporting formats helps ensure all data is clearly presented in a consistent and digestible way. Putting in place templates that are used across departments can save time while also reducing the risk of error and discrepancies. Templates will ensure the same set of information is collected each time – making reports more comprehensive and easier to compare. This allows for improved performance analysis and decision-making capabilities, as well as helping to maintain quality control.

Focus on actionable insights

Employee engagement reporting will provide actionable insights that can be used to improve employee engagement levels. From this, your organisation can focus on the metrics that matter the most, and then identify areas for improvement. An action plan can then be created off the back of the issues that have been identified and appropriate solutions can be advised.

Share your results and take action

One of the most important parts of the whole process is sharing these results among the team. Once the employee engagement reporting is complete, inform all relevant stakeholders, managers, and employees – this will increase transparency in your workplace and ensure everyone understands why certain changes are being made. After this, action should be taken in a timely manner before any issues get worse or become outdated.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure your employee engagement reporting is efficient and provides you with actionable insights, helping identify areas where further improvements are needed to enhance employee engagement.

With the WorkBuzz platform, all your data will be centralised, with a simple reporting system to easily analyse it and spot any trends or areas of concern, helping to solve employee engagement issues at a fast rate.

Find out more about us and what we do – sign up for a demo using the form below.

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