Since implementing WorkBuzz, Danielle and her team have found new ways to engage team members – and especially ‘deskless’ employees working in the field.
“We’ve managed to improve things by giving our deskless employees two different ways to complete surveys,” says Danielle. “They can do so at work using a kiosk code, but we’ve also sent a link to their personal email address if we have it, so they can complete it at home, on their lunch break, on their phone – or however suits them best.”
Some employees had previously given feedback that managers were asking them to sit and complete surveys under supervision, but these changes have helped – and around half of employees are now completing surveys through their personal email address. Danielle adds: “I think people feel like they can be more honest now. It’s definitely a step in the right direction for our deskless workforce.”
After its first year with WorkBuzz, Whistl held focus groups – covering leadership, reward and recognition, under-35s, and acquired businesses – to see how the data gathered could help them better meet employees’ needs.
One thing that become clear from the reward and recognition focus group, for example, was that many employees weren’t aware of all the benefits already on offer. “People were suggesting things we already had in place,” says Danielle. “So we embarked on a company wide communications push to make sure more people knew about the benefits we provide.”
When asking employees to complete surveys, Whistl also promotes the positive outcomes that have been achieved thanks to previous ones:

It’s safe to say the switch to WorkBuzz has been a popular one for Whistl. “If I meet anyone from WorkBuzz, they’re all so engaging and passionate about what they do,” says Danielle. “Working together just works.”