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WorkBuzz PowerSessions Banner

Is HR seeing clearly?

Despite increased time and effort, employee engagement levels have stagnated over the last two decades. So why haven't significant improvements been made?

While it's good to ask, “Are we measuring the right things?”, the real question is: Have you been overly focused on emotions instead of concentrating on the behaviors of leaders and managers that truly foster a stronger sense of belonging and inspire teams to achieve outstanding results?

Are you ready to transform your approach to employee engagement?

Join us for a WorkBuzz Power Session to co-explore with fellow HR professionals how a different set of measures could provide better insights for leaders and managers to take actionable steps.

With only 20 places available for each venue, secure your spot today!

Join us for a unique WorkBuzz Power Session!

Measuring Real-World Employee Insights
to improve the experience of Everyday Hero employees

When it comes to employee engagement, two critical elements stand above everything else: how we measure it and, most importantly, how we improve it. Without considering both, survey frequency won’t matter, and action plans will be in vain.

Bono from U2 once said, “We thought we had the answers, it was the questions we had wrong”. Regarding employee engagement, there are no right answers to wrong questions.

So, as an organization, are you asking the right questions?

As an HR leader, you are the driving force in crafting an employee engagement strategy that truly makes an impact, and engaging every employee —regardless of location — is essential. While numerous strategies and tools exist to measure engagement, the next important question is: are you measuring the right things?

With only 23% of employees actively engaged (Gallup, 2023), it's no wonder HR leaders are facing significant challenges with retention and performance and these challenges are directly impacting financial outcomes. But this has been the case for decades. Organisations have been measuring engagement and yet year-on-year we hear the same thing; that the vast majority of workers are not engaged and businesses are therefore not optimizing productivity. 

Your hosts

Maddy Woodman
Head of Learning Innovation
Ryan Tahmassebi
People Science Director


Join us for a WorkBuzz Power Session and listen to our keynote which will explore whether we are measuring the right things through our employee surveys and share ideas on how to breathe new life into them so that we can start to improve culture and make better workplaces.

Our Power Hack will then provide a dynamic and collaborative environment where you will engage in rapid prototyping and problem-solving. By harnessing diverse perspectives and fostering creativity, this session will enable you to take back practical, innovative solutions to your organisation, enhancing employee engagement and strengthening your organisational capabilities.

09:00 - 09:30

Arrival with a Light Breakfast

09:30 - 09:35

Welcome and Introductions

09:35 - 10:00

Keynote: Are we measuring the right things with our employee surveys?

Ryan Tahmassebi, WorkBuzz

10:00 - 11:30

Power Hack

Maddy Woodman, PTHR

This session will take the hackathon format, broken down into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • What to hack
  • Barriers and obstacles
  • Ideas and mini-hacks
  • Final hack 
  • Round-up and shares
  • Action points and next steps

11:30 - 11:45

Close and Final Questions

11:45 - 12:30

Post-Event 1:1 Surgery

Your opportunity to book a dedicated 1:1 session with an employee engagement expert. Table your own challenges, get a WorkBuzz demo, or just share your thoughts - it's up to you.




Dolman Lounges 2&3
Ashton Gate Stadium

Tuesday, September 24th

Ashton Gate


East Stand Suites
Elland Road Stadium

Wednesday, September 25th

Elland Road


The Chairman's Club
Etihad Stadium

Thursday, September 26th


Save the date and secure your place today!