WorkBuzz Webinar

From Gen Z to Baby Boomers:
Crafting effective employee engagement for all ages

In most organizations there are four – and sometimes even five – diverse generations coexisting within the workforce. And each has different attitudes to and expectations of work, which have been intensified by the pandemic.

Understanding how to adapt employee engagement strategies is therefore essential to create the best results from your workforce.

In this insightful webinar, we explore the landscape of multi-generational teams. From Gen Z to Baby Boomers, we uncover the characteristics, values and expectations that each generation brings to the table, and sharing methods for bridging the generational divide, inspiring meaningful connections and elevating your employee engagement strategy.

Your workforce is diverse. It’s time for your employee engagement strategy to reflect that – so that you can enhance job satisfaction and drive business success.

Your WorkBuzz hosts:

Ian Barrow
Client Services Director
Chandni Chauhan
Employee Engagement Consultant

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