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The importance of equality, diversity, inclusion, and belonging (EDIB) in the workplace

The following blog post looks at the importance of EDIB in the workplace and what elements needed to be included in your HR strategy.

DEI, DIB, D&I, JEDI, EDIB… chances are if you work in the HR or ‘people’ space, you are likely to have come across most  – if not all – of these acronyms in your working life (or in the news in recent months!). And, you will likely have a preference for one of them at your organisation.

At WorkBuzz, we use the term ‘EDIB’ because it encompasses all the areas that need to be thought about and continually worked on if a company is to have a successful working culture that is maintained.

EDIB stands for equality, diversity, inclusion, and belonging:

  • Equality – fairness, equal rights, and opportunities for all
  • Diversity – recognising and celebrating differences seen across people
  • Inclusion – people feeling welcome and valued
  • Belonging – a culture where people feel able to be their true selves at work

While it is true that many businesses have plans in place in a bid to improve D&I in their workplace or are spending copious amounts on D&I training, they are still missing the mark because they are forgetting the need for employees to feel a sense of belonging.

What is the importance of EDIB in the workplace?

Simply put, organisations who prioritise equality, diversity, inclusion, and belonging can expect to find happier, more engaged and committed employees. This often results in improved employee retention, lower sickness levels, and higher revenues.

The expectations of employees and jobseekers today are far higher than they were just a few short years ago. With the Covid-19 pandemic giving employees time to reflect on what’s important, it’s not surprising this was shortly followed by ‘the Great Resignation’. Employees know what they want in 2022, and they are not scared to go after it…

It is evident that companies looking to recruit top talent today must be able to offer workplace flexibility, exciting work perks, the prioritisation of work-life balance and wellbeing support, and a great workplace culture. Salary and pension have been knocked way down the pecking order.

Learn about how the WorkBuzz team and platform can assist your company in your EDIB journey today.
Our friendly staff are on hand to support you, in all things employee engagement and listening. Speak to us today.
Or for more EDIB related content, see our eBook here.

Why ALL the elements of EDIB need to be included in your HR strategy

Equality and diversity

Workplace equality remains a hotly-debated topic. Many will say it has already been achieved but others will declare there is a long way to go. Today, there are still countless stats relating to inequalities in pay, hiring diversity and to discriminatory practices. What is clear however is that striving for equal rights is of benefit to all.

If a company improves fairness, dignity, respect, and diversity for all staff, this can improve employee engagement, help to foster a creative environment, ensure diverse perspectives are considered when problems arise and, ultimately, boost innovation through the expansion of your team’s horizon. Equality is now seen as one of the core principles of a healthy workplace.


If companies are to thrive, they need an inclusive and diverse workforce. They must be able to unlock the power and potential of talent inclusive of women, people of different races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic status, as well as those with different physical and cognitive abilities. But while diversity is widely recognised, inclusion is often overlooked. The answer to this issue is inclusive leadership; collaborative, transparent, and culturally agile inclusive leaders that empower team members to take risks, manage their own development, and bring their authentic selves to work. When you achieve true inclusion in the workplace – where every employee feels supported, respected, valued, and like they can be their true selves – your people will move closer to their highest levels of performance which will have a positive impact on collaboration, innovation, engagement and business outcomes.


If an employee feels like they belong, it can make their job more enjoyable. It will also transform their effectiveness, and create a better working environment for everyone. If you are to foster a sense of belonging at your company, people of all backgrounds must get a seat at your ‘table’ and feel heard, seen, and recognised for their contributions. This is even more important now with many employees working remotely. When in a team, the loneliness of feeling like you don’t belong can be overwhelming, but when you feel free to be who you really are, you worry less about your relationships and focus more on the tasks in front of you. This can make you feel more confident and persistent. Ultimately, this will lead to a better performance in your day-to-day role.

Next steps – where to start with EDIB in the workplace?

Your first task is to learn about the perceptions of EDIB in the workplace. You need to understand your employees’ views on how fair and equitably they think people are treated, how representative they think leadership is, how able they are to have a voice and feel heard, and if they feel like they can be themselves.

WorkBuzz’s employee engagement platform supports regular listening projects on key employee experience topics, with ‘EDIB’ having its own dedicated question library. Using our flexible, easy-to-use tool, you can create a custom survey which gains critical insight into your EDIB perceptions and understand where improvements need to be made.

To discuss how employee listening can support your EDIB journey, email: hello@workbuzz.com or call the team on: +44 (0) 3333 446 530 today. Alternatively, click here to contact us or book a demo of the WorkBuzz platform.

Related EDIB content: 

The big question for many employers – and even individuals – is where to start with Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB)? This guide gives you a very practical four step model to follow to create a more inclusive culture.

Front cover of the Four steps to create a more inclusive culture eBook

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